Notice the many directions associations can go in. The center word, star, is a celestial object. It’s also a famous person such as an actor or someone exceptionally talented or popular. A star in the sky is something you look up to, and can symbolize someone<\/em> you look up to.<\/strong><\/figcaption><\/figure><\/div>\n\n\n\n

Association method<\/em> is a popular tool for dream interpretation because it leads intuitively to the meaning of the symbolism. Associations are your thoughts, feelings, emotions, memories, and perceptions related to a symbol, subject, or idea raised by a dream.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Association is the most common way for dreams to create symbolism, so we’re not just talking about a method of dream interpretation; we’re using association to deconstruct how dreams create symbolic meaning. At Dream School, we keep it simple and just say “associate.”<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Associate is simple: Boil down a dream’s detail to a word, phrase, or image; focus on it; what comes to mind that you associate with it? When your association leads to a correct answer it feels right.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

Remember simple fact #1<\/a>: you already know subconsciously what your dreams mean, so interpretation is a process of reminding yourself what you already know<\/em>. Associating helps you remind yourself by thinking intuitively, off the top of your head. It prevents hindrances such as avoidance, denial, rationalization, and over-thinking, and helps you communicate with subconscious parts of your mind.<\/p>\n\n\n\n
