{"id":698,"date":"2017-10-31T04:57:52","date_gmt":"2017-10-31T04:57:52","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/dreams123.com\/?page_id=396"},"modified":"2020-07-26T17:56:10","modified_gmt":"2020-07-26T17:56:10","slug":"d3-cliffs-notes-summary","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/www.dreams123.com\/d3-cliffs-notes-summary\/","title":{"rendered":"Dreams 1-2-3 Dream Interpretation Process (D3) by J.M. DeBord: Cliff’s Notes"},"content":{"rendered":"\n

Welcome! You want to know how to interpret dreams. I can show you how I do it using my three simple facts about dreams and three simple steps to interpret them. I’m J.M. DeBord, aka RadOwl,<\/a> best-selling author and creator of Dream School, and this page is the Cliff’s Notes version of my DREAMS 1-2-3 dream interpretation process, aka D3. <\/p>\n\n\n\n


D3 is simple and effective, but truly understanding dreams and their interpretation requires extensive learning and practice. Everything you need to begin interpreting your dreams is at this website, and I will offer you opportunities to learn even more at my other websites and through my books<\/a> and online classes. If you want to interpret dreams, I’ll show you how. It begins with…<\/p>\n\n\n\n

3 simple facts + 3 simple steps<\/h2>\n\n\n\n

The three simple <\/strong>facts:<\/p>\n\n\n\n

  1. Subconsciously you know what your dreams mean.<\/li>
  2. Dreams are stories.<\/li>
  3. Dreams use symbolism.<\/li><\/ol>\n\n\n\n

    The three simple<\/strong> steps:<\/p>\n\n\n\n

    1. Identify the dream’s story elements (settings, characters, symbols) and narrative components (action, reaction, resolution)<\/li>
    2. Interpret the symbolism and analyze the story<\/li>
    3. Connect the dots in context and reflect on your life<\/li><\/ol>\n\n\n\n
      View full lesson<\/a><\/div>\n\n\n\n

      It’s that’s simple, and with practice you can sail through the steps and at least begin penetrating to the heart of a dream’s meaning and message.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

      I tell my students that giving their dreams close attention is the most important step, though. The unconscious mind<\/em> (where dreams are created) is aware and intelligent and wise, and it engages with you when you engage with it. It WANTS you to understand your dreams and will work with you. It’s also INDEPENDENT of the ego and has its own agenda, a little-known fact.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

      Think of the unconscious as the soil out of which the conscious mind and ego grow. When you dream, you access the mind of nature itself and the collective experience of humanity going back to our origins!<\/p>\n\n\n\n

      The Self archetype, a super structure at the heart of the psyche in the unconscious, is the source of your most meaningful and potent dreams. The Self<\/a> creates dreams that help you grow and evolve to become the best you can be. <\/p>\n\n\n\n

      Now I’ve got a lot to teach you. Much of it is available in my book, RadOwl’s Crash Course in Dream Interpretation<\/em>. It’s a short book that teaches my interpretation process through demonstrations on fascinating example dreams that have common themes you are likely to recognize from your dream life.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

      Print<\/a> – Audiobook<\/a> – Nook<\/a> – Kindle<\/a><\/figcaption><\/figure>\n<\/div><\/div>\n<\/div><\/div>\n\n\n\n

      Let’s begin: What happens as you dream<\/span><\/span><\/span><\/h2>\n\n\n\n

      You dream to process and consolidate memories<\/a>, that much everyone who studies the subject scientifically can agree on. Another fact that’s commonly accepted is dreams help you learn. Research studies focus primarily on how dreaming facilitates learning related to knowledge, memorization, and skills, but most of what you learn daily is about yourself, your life, and the world. You continually take in new information and have new experiences that you assimilate while dreaming. Dr. Rubin Naiman at the University of Arizona says dreaming is “psychological digestion.” Great summary.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

      Dreaming is critical for helping you digest and process your daily experience of life and fit it into the big picture of who and what you are. Dreaming clears your short-term memory banks and releases emotions<\/a>, to start fresh the next day. Dreaming even changes your brain’s wiring, a process known as neuroplasticity.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

      But there’s more. Dr. Carl Jung says dreaming is part of a long-term process he calls “individuation,” to become the unique individual you are born to be. Dreams help you become a whole and complete person. You are born with an “ideal me” blueprint embedded in your mind, and your dreams are the #1 way to access it.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

      Dreams also connect with mysterious deeper layers of consciousness and reality. That’s why I say my D3 process will help you understand your conventional experiences of dreaming, but you can have unconventional experiences that require a different set of tools than I offer here.<\/p>\n\n\n\n

      Knowing the reasons why you dream can help you understand what you dream. Here’s a more extensive lesson:<\/p>\n\n\n\n

      Why Dream?<\/a><\/blockquote>